01 September 2022

How is NOAH Safe?

Learn about how we work to ensure the safety of your data and find out more about our compliance with industry-leading security standards.



How is NOAH Safe?


    Rules to Consider

    Our Security Principles

    Risks of cryptocurrencies

Money is more than just a number in your account. It's an integral part of your life. It's a symbol of your hard work and perseverance, proof that you put in the work. No one should be able to take that away from you. So when you entrust your money to someone, you want to ensure that it's in safe hands.

That's why we've made it our mission to create a safe, secure platform for you to store your money. We want to give you that peace of mind so you can focus on what's important: living your life.

Here at NOAH, we take security seriously.

As we roll out our app to over 150 countries around the world, we want to ensure that everyone has a safe and positive experience. We care about your safety, so we recommend a cautious approach when using our beta. And even though we're in beta, we're confident in the security of our platform. Below is some guidance to make the most of your beta experience.

Rules to Consider

  • Whilst we are still in Beta phase, there are some daily transaction limits which you should take in to account before depositing all your Bitcoin in NOAH. Please check here for more details.
  • When the NOAH team asks for feedback on a new feature or to help test on-chain and Lightning payments, you shouldn't need more than a few dollars worth of Bitcoin.
  • A good rule of thumb is not to exceed more than $500 worth of Bitcoin in your NOAH wallet during the beta testing phase. There’s no need to deposit large amounts to allow the NOAH team to test different aspects of our product before the official public release.

Safety and reliability are our top priorities and below are the principles we abide by.

Our Security Principles

At NOAH, we have a broad range of security controls that we test continuously to ensure that you're the only one who can authorize transfers from your account. Squashing any entries for bad actors is our top priority. Here's our approach:

  • Strong Customer Authentication (SCA): SCA is a regulatory term in the payments industry that requires multiple factors to authenticate users of online banking and payments services. NOAH requires three elements: something that you own (your phone), something that you know (your password), and something intrinsic to you (biometrics).
  • Transaction PIN: Beyond the SCA requirements, we'll soon be adding a six-digit transaction pin as an additional level of security for the authorization of money transfers. We will require the transaction pin for all outgoing payments initiated in the NOAH app.
  • Everything is Encrypted: We encrypt all data in the NOAH app. From when your money's transit to when your money's at rest, we encrypt your information at every step.
  • We Deploy Best Practices and Standards: At NOAH, we apply all the best practices and standards that traditional financial institutions use to remain compliant with regulators. These include security principles such as Zero Trust (assuming there are no insecure internal networks), Defense in Depth (layering security controls), and Least Privilege (granting users the minimum amount of access needed to do their job).
  • We Do Our Due Diligence: NOAH depends on third parties to provide critical services that help us provide the best user experience to our community. These include but are not limited to cloud providers, payments processors, and security vendors. But before we contract with any third party, we take every precaution while vetting them to ensure they're up to our security, privacy, and compliance standards.

As our beta grows into the powerful and beautifully simple money app we know it will be, we want you to be a part of it. But before diving in, remember to take caution and follow the rules we've put in place to ensure everyone remains safe.

At NOAH, security matters to us, and we'll do everything we can to ensure you feel safe.

Risks of cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies (including your Digital Assets) come with some risks and we want you to be aware of them:

  • The Digital Assets you store in your NOAH Application are not protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
  • NOAH’s services are not within the jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
  • Wallets and other software associated with cryptocurrencies can be hacked and can therefore be subject to loss or delay.
  • Values of cryptocurrencies are not stable and can rapidly change.
  • Transfers of cryptocurrencies are irreversible, and cannot be cancelled once they have been confirmed.

Please be aware that: Cryptocurrencies are unregulated in the UK; Cryptocurrencies are not protected under Financial Ombudsman Service or Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS); Profits may be subject to capital gains tax; The value of investments can go down as well as up.

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